

 12 ноября 2009 18:31      425

Medvedev addresses to the federal assembly in Moscow with ideas of modernization

The speech of the President of Russia lasted 101 minutes. Dmitry Medvedev has said little about the crisis and a lot – about building of a brand-new Russia. He talked too much and too detailed about a need of getting rid of nostalgia for Soviet times.

Six times during the message Dmitry Medvedev said the word "clever" and derived from it.

Seventeen times – the word "modernization". The word "new" and derivatives was used more than 35 times.

Text with plenty of talking points designed to make Russia strong and advanced power, has emerged from the analysis of letters from citizens who responded to a sensational article published by Medvedev on September 10 “Russia, forward!".

Much attention was given to the development of information technologies in almost all areas - from the installation of broadband Internet in schools and live broadcasts of meetings of regional parliaments to modernization of military equipment. Above all, Medvedev recognized that state corporations are inefficient, that banking system has to be upgraded, that 11 time zones are too many to manage the country efficiently.